Oxford Modern Languages Admissions Test (MLAT) Guide

Explore our Oxford MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test) guide, covering everything from test usage and structure to preparation strategies. Discover how Dukes Plus can support you through this crucial process.

What is the Oxford MLAT?

The Oxford MLAT is an admissions test used by the University of Oxford to assess applicants for certain courses in Modern Languages and related disciplines. It evaluates linguistic aptitude, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking. The test is designed to differentiate high-performing candidates in a competitive admissions process.

Which Courses Require the Oxford MLAT?

The University of Oxford mandates the MLAT for applicants to the following courses:

  • Modern Languages
  • Modern Languages and Linguistics
  • Classics and Modern Languages
  • English and Modern Languages
  • Philosophy and Modern Languages
  • History and Modern Languages
  • European and Middle Eastern Languages

For combined courses, the MLAT tests language ability as well as subject-specific knowledge.

How is the Oxford MLAT Used?

The MLAT serves as a standardised metric for admissions tutors to compare applicants’ aptitude in language learning and analysis. Scores are considered alongside other elements of the application, such as personal statements, references, and interview performance.

What is a Good Oxford MLAT Score?

While Oxford does not publish official score thresholds, successful candidates typically score in the top quartile of applicants. The competitive nature of the admissions process means that the MLAT score must stand out to secure an interview invitation.

Do Universities Automatically Find Out Your Oxford MLAT Score?

Oxford University receives MLAT scores directly from the administering body, ensuring that the results are integral to the evaluation process. Applicants do not need to send scores separately.

How is the Oxford MLAT Structured?

The Modern Languages Admissions Test is a highly specialised, computer-based examination designed to evaluate language aptitude and proficiency. Applicants complete up to two sections, depending on the course they have applied for. Each section is tailored to specific languages or subject areas, reflecting the demands of the chosen discipline.

For the language-specific sections, the first few sub-sections consist of fill-in-the-blank questions in the target language. These challenge students’ understanding of grammar and vocabulary. The final sub-section is a series of short translations from the target language into English, which require accurate rendering of the target language in natural English. Each of these language-specific sections lasts approximately 30 minutes, ensuring a focused evaluation of the required skills.

Additional components, such as the Language Aptitude Test (LAT) for beginners in Russian or courses including Polish, and the Philosophy Test for those applying to Philosophy and Modern Languages, provide a comprehensive assessment. The LAT focuses on analytical language-learning potential, while the Philosophy Test evaluates critical thinking and philosophical reasoning over a 60-minute session.

The structure of the MLAT is both rigorous and bespoke, offering an in-depth assessment tailored to the specific demands of Oxford’s Modern Languages courses. Candidates should confirm the exact sections required for their course and prepare accordingly.

There is no longer a Linguistics test section or a translation exercise from English to the target language in the MLAT. 

What Skills & Knowledge Does the Oxford MLAT Evaluate?

The MLAT is designed to assess a wide range of abilities crucial for success in language-focused academic programmes. It evaluates students’ vocabulary, grammar, attention to detail, translation skills, and their ability to make clear and logical inferences when reading in a foreign language. Overall, the test is designed to assess candidates’ aptitude for language acquisition and their potential to excel in a demanding academic environment.

Oxford MLAT Scoring and Criteria

The ‘fill in the blanks’ questions are designed to have a single correct answer. More latitude is allowed for the answers to the translation exercises, where marks are awarded for accuracy and how natural the students’ English translation is. Admissions tutors use the results to determine whether applicants have the foundational skills for success at Oxford.

How to Register for the Oxford MLAT

Most students register through their school or college. If your institution is not a registered test centre, you can register at an alternative local centre. Check the official Oxford MLAT page for detailed instructions.

When is the Deadline for Oxford MLAT Registration?

The registration deadline for the MLAT is usually in early October, with the test taking place in late October or early November. Verify specific dates on the Oxford website to avoid missing crucial deadlines.

How Much Does It Cost to Take the Oxford MLAT?

The MLAT is free for applicants applying to Oxford. However, some test centres may charge an administrative fee. Check with your test centre for any associated costs.

How to Prepare for the Oxford MLAT

Preparation for the MLAT requires a strategic approach. First, it is essential to understand the test format thoroughly, which can be achieved by reviewing sample questions available on the official Oxford website. Simulating test conditions by practising timed papers can significantly enhance speed and accuracy under pressure.

Another critical step involves strengthening grammar skills by focusing on the grammatical structures of the target language. To further refine preparation, expert guidance from a tutor can be invaluable. A tutor can provide personalised insights and strategies to address specific areas of improvement, ensuring a tailored and efficient preparation plan.

Book your Oxford MLAT Tuition Package here.

See Past Papers & Examples of the Oxford MLAT

Access mock tests and past papers to gain familiarity with question styles and expectations. These resources can be invaluable for honing your skills under exam conditions.

Get an Oxford MLAT Tutor

Expert tutoring can dramatically improve your MLAT performance. Dukes Plus offers tailored preparation plans, providing:

  • One-on-one coaching.
  • Mock test feedback.
  • Personalised study schedules.
  • Comprehensive language skill development.

Book your Oxford MLAT Tutoring today.

Oxford MLAT Strategic Guidance

Navigating Oxford’s application process can be challenging. With our one-hour consultation, our experts will assess your application, strategise your approach, and address all your queries.

Book a free consultation today to get ahead of the game and maximise your chances of success.

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