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Mon 14 Oct 2024 • 5 min read
Learn the paths to becoming a forensic scientist, including courses, apprenticeships, and career progression in this concise guide.
Forensic science is an exciting, advancing career path that promises variability in your day to day working life. Forensic scientists collect and analyse evidence to be used in legal proceedings, and there are multiple different routes you can take to become qualified. This guide discusses the possible routes and what you can expect from a career in forensic science.
One way to become a forensic scientist is to study a relevant undergraduate course at university. Many UK universities offer forensic science as a degree, but it is also possible to study a different science degree and start the career path that way. Careers in forensic science are highly competitive due to popularity, so it may be beneficial to check that your course is accredited by The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences to ensure a smoother transition to working life after graduation.
Undergraduate forensic science courses generally require two or three A levels including Chemistry, but entry requirements vary and can be found on each individual university admissions page. You can also study graduate forensic science at selected universities, such as The Open University and King’s College London.
Another route into a career in forensic science is via an apprenticeship. This may be suitable for students that don’t wish to carry the financial burden of university, as the vast majority of apprenticeships come with a salary, however small. However, this route carries more of a responsibility as it is more like full-time employment than a university degree.
Apprenticeships vary in working environment and may include working in court, laboratories or in the community. Academic requirements are similar for both apprenticeships and undergraduate degrees. The apprenticeships may not being under the title of ‘forensic science’, but programs such as Laboratory Science or Research Science would be appropriate.
It is possible to apply directly to jobs in forensic science, however this is unlikely to be successful without sufficient lab experience and some form of science qualifications.
Gaining work experience in forensic science will boost your application regardless of what route you choose, and many programs require it. Many forensic laboratories will not offer work experience due to the sensitive nature of the work, so a wide range of different experience is accepted as relevant work experience. Options include:
Many prospective applicants find it difficult to gain experience. Follow an ‘if you don’t ask, you don’t get” mindset- email companies and hospitals explaining the situation and see if they can offer you anything relevant.
The majority of forensic scientists work for the government, however you can also choose to work privately for a company. The government often outsources work from private companies, creating more private employment roles. Popular forensics companies include, but are not limited to, Cellmark Forensic Services, Principal Forensic Services UK (PFS) and Eurofins UK
The CSFS have different levels of membership (associate, member and fellow) and you can progress through these with experience. After five years of experience as a forensic scientist you can then become a forensic practitioner in your chosen area.
Throughout your working life you can work towards your chosen specialism through external courses and conferences, and via workshops offered by your employer. There is a wide range of specialisms within forensic science and you can continue to gain experience in your chosen area until you are considered an expert witness in that field.
Forensic scientists undertake important work that impacts prosecution of others. Therefore, an extensive skill set is required for the role, including:
There are a plethora of different day-to-day tasks that a job in forensic science may involve. Analytically, forensic scientists do DNA profiling, blood spatter analysis, sample fluids and tissues for drugs or poisons, and analyse handwriting and signatures.
Forensic scientists are expected to attend crime scenes to collect samples or complete analysis and attend courses to give evidence.
There are lots of areas of development in forensics, and some scientists choose to become involved in designing new technologies for analytical tasks.
Forensic scientists may work in multiple different environments:
These environments can often be dangerous or emotionally demanding. Many roles also include on-call shifts, in which you will be called to work if there is a new crime scene to be analysed.
The salary of forensic scientists typically range from £18,000-£45,000. Experienced staff may choose to progress into management roles. Forensic scientists can also become expert witnesses in court with enough experience.
This question depends on the career path chosen. Undergraduate degrees in forensic science typically take three years to complete. Graduate degrees may only take one year to complete; however, this would also involve a three year undergraduate science degree of your choice. Apprenticeships take the same amount of time as an undergraduate degree (or longer) but involve learning while working in forensic science. The minimum amount of time it will take to be qualified is three years but may take longer if you also need to gain lab experience to build a portfolio.
Different specialisms include: Anthropology Pathology (medical doctors only) Engineering Toxicology Digital forensics Odontology, AKA forensic dentistry Entomology DNA analysis
While there is a lot of crossover between the two roles, the main difference is the length of study to qualify. Pathologists are medical doctors and must complete 5 years of medical school plus 2 years of foundation training and 5-6 years of specialist pathology training. Forensics scientists typically complete a 3-year undergraduate degree or apprenticeship.
Forensic scientists also spend much more time on crime scenes than pathologists, who spend most of their time performing post-mortems.
In a practical sense, criminalistics is known to be a challenging area of forensics. However, the emotional impact on forensic staff can also be significant when dealing with upsetting crime scenes and trials.