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Wed 18 Dec 2024 • 6 min read
Convert your raw scores to scaled scores with our UCAT score calculator.
The UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) is a critical step for students aspiring to study medicine or dentistry. Understanding the difference between raw and scaled UCAT scores can be challenging but is essential for evaluating your performance and meeting university requirements.
That’s where the Dukes Plus UCAT Score Calculator comes in. Designed to simplify the scoring process, it allows you to input your raw scores and instantly see your scaled results. Try our calculator below.
When preparing for the UCAT, many students find themselves confused by the distinction between raw and scaled scores. Here’s what you need to know:
Raw scores represent the number of correct answers you achieve in each section of the UCAT. Since each section has a different number of questions, raw scores alone cannot offer a clear indication of performance in the test as a whole.
Scaled scores standardise raw scores, converting them into a consistent range (300–900 per section) to ensure fairness. The total available score is therefore 3600 (excluding the Situational Judgement section).
Please note that from 2025, the UCAT will be scored out of 2700 – you can read our piece on the UCAT changes here.
Simply input your raw scores for each section of the UCAT into the calculator and click ‘Calculate Total Score’.
Our UCAT score converter will give you a scaled score for each section and for the test as a whole. We’ll also let you know how your result compares to students who took the UCAT in 2023, so you can see how you measure up.
NB: the scaled scores are estimates. They are designed to give you an indication of how UCAT would scale your raw score but cannot be relied upon for total accuracy.
Each UCAT section (except Situational Judgement) is scored on a scale of 300 to 900, with raw marks converted into scaled scores to account for the fact that each section has a different number of raw marks available. The total scaled score is calculated by summing the scores of the four cognitive sections, resulting in a total between 1200 and 3600. Our UCAT score calculator can help you convert your raw scores to scaled scores to see what your final score might look like.
A “good” UCAT score varies by university and year. Generally, a total score of 2750–2900 and a Situational Judgement Band 1 or 2 is competitive for many medical schools, with a score above 2900 usually placing you in the top 10% of applicants.
Each section of the UCAT contains a different number of questions – for instance, there are 44 marks available in the Verbal Reasoning section and only 29 available in Decision Making. Each applicant receives a raw score, which is then adjusted to a scale of 300-900 for every section (excluding Situational Judgement). This ensures that each section carries equal weight in the final scores awarded to applicants.
Our UCAT score calculator can help you convert your raw scores to scaled scores to see what your final score might look like.
Some universities use overall scores, while others set minimum thresholds for each section. Research your target universities to understand their scoring criteria and adjust your preparation strategy accordingly.
No, Situational Judgement is scored separately using performance bands (1–4). While not part of the overall scaled score, many universities consider it when evaluating applications.
Yes, you can retake the UCAT in subsequent application cycles. Focus on identifying your weaker sections and practising using targeted resources to improve your score.
Are you aiming for an exceptional UCAT score? Our world-leading UCAT preparation can help you succeed. Designed by doctors and education experts, our UCAT prep packages and tutoring are tailored to meet your needs and help you excel.
Here’s how we can support you:
Our UCAT preparation packages include a rigorous e-learning course plus access to our UCAT Question Bank with hundreds of realistic UCAT questions.
Our one-to-one tutoring is designed by qualified doctors and education experts to offer comprehensive prep for every aspect of the test. With more than a decade’s experience tutoring medicine applicants, we know exactly how to get you ready for test day. Learn from tutors who have excelled in the UCAT themselves and have a deep understanding of the test. We offer tutoring from hand-picked, highly experienced tutors, or fully qualified doctors. Our students rate our tutors 4.9/5 on average.
Improve your score with our range of UCAT preparation services.
The UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) is used by universities to assess candidates applying for medical and dental courses. It evaluates cognitive abilities, decision-making skills, and situational judgement relevant to healthcare professions.
A competitive UCAT score varies by year and university. Generally, a total score of 2750–2900 and a Situational Judgement Band 1 or 2 is considered strong for most medical and dental schools.
Raw scores are converted into scaled scores between 300 and 900 for each section. This ensures fairness by ensuring that each section of the UCAT carries equal weight. You can try our UCAT score converter to see how your raw score in each section might convert to a final scaled score.
The Dukes Plus UCAT Score Calculator is designed to simplify the process of converting raw UCAT scores into scaled scores. Simply input your raw scores for each section and the calculator will instantly generate your scaled scores. This helps you understand how your raw performance translates into the standardised scoring system used by universities.
Improvement comes with practice. At Dukes Plus, we offer targeted UCAT prep packages and tutoring to help students improve their scores. We target your weaker sections and work on exam technique and time management to help you maximise your score.
No, universities have different methods for using UCAT scores in their selection process. Some place a higher weight on total scores, while others use minimum thresholds for individual sections.
Yes, the UCAT can be retaken in subsequent application cycles. However, you can only take it once per year, so preparation is key to achieving your desired score.