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In-School Private Oxbridge Consultation

Set your students up for Oxbridge success with our exclusive Private Consultation service, specially tailored to empower Year 11 and 12 children with the knowledge needed to take the first steps in their application.


  • Understand Oxford vs. Cambridge Courses
  • Discover Admissions Requirements
  • Explore Your Strengths and Ideal Pathway




What We Cover in a Private Consultation

Equip your students with the knowledge needed to tackle an Oxbridge application with our In-School Private Consultation service. This one-hour strategy and advisory session is conducted by an Oxbridge Applications consultant, and is specially tailored to empower Year 11 and 12 students who are considering applying to Oxford or Cambridge.

Personalised Pathway Planning

In each Private Consultation, we provide invaluable insights and guidance:

  1. Understanding Oxford vs. Cambridge Courses: Explore the distinctions between Oxford and Cambridge courses to make a choice that aligns with your academic aspirations.
  2. Unravelling Application Statistics: Students will gain insights into the nuances of application statistics for the course and university, enabling them to develop an informed application strategy.
  3. Decoding Admissions Test Requirements: Navigate the intricate world of admissions tests, such as the TSA for E&M at Oxford and the ESAT for Natural Sciences at Cambridge, ensuring students understand the specific prerequisites of their chosen subjects.

Discover Your Strengths and Ideal Pathway

Our expert consultants work closely with each student during the session, identifying their unique strengths and aptitudes. We guide every student to select the pathway that suits them best, setting the stage for academic fulfillment and success.

Shaping University Choices

Beyond Oxbridge, our consultation extends to shaping students’ other four university choices for UCAS. Benefit from our comprehensive advice and make informed decisions about their academic future.

Resources for Continued Success

To support students on their academic journey, we provide reading suggestions tailored to their chosen course. Additionally, we provide access to our comprehensive Course Reports and an Oxbridge admissions book to further enhance their knowledge and preparedness.


Request A Callback

Want to know more about how we can help your students reach their full academic potential? Fill out the form below and we’ll call you back.


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